HTC launches Android 6.0.1 update for One A9

We wrote a lot about HTC’s new flagship One A9. The One A9 has been performing very well with its design, quality and workmanship, and its price has been the target of our critics. We see sevinrek that the price of 2,399 TL has decreased to 2,064 TL today. We are pleased to see that One A9, which is being sold as HTC Turkey Guaranteed at these prices, is now at a recommendable point. One A9’s internet speed test reveals that the phone’s Snapdragon 617 processor is actually a good choice. Here’s One A9’s internet speed test … (We promise you will wonder)


HTC is one step ahead of its competitors at the top of the list of top issues in the Android ecosystem. One A9, which came out with Android 6.0, got Android 6.0.1 with update number 1.57.651.1.

After we have done the update on our phone, we will share the details with you and share the differences between these lines with you.